The New Guard – Full Body Scanners in Corrections!


Corrections facilities face constant challenges in maintaining security and preventing contraband from entering their premises. In recent years, the adoption of full body scanners for corrections has revolutionized the way these facilities detect and prevent the smuggling of contraband. This advanced technology offers a more efficient, reliable, and non-invasive solution compared to traditional methods. In this article, we will explore the benefits and implications of using contraband detection body scanners for corrections.

The Evolution of Security Measures in Corrections

Security in correctional facilities has always been a critical concern. Traditional methods such as manual searches, metal detectors, and x-ray machines have been the primary tools for contraband detection. However, these methods come with limitations, including the potential for human error, invasive procedures, and the inability to detect non-metallic contraband. The advent of full body scanners for corrections has addressed many of these issues, providing a comprehensive solution for contraband detection.

How Full Body Scanners Work

Full body scanners for corrections utilize advanced imaging technology to detect objects concealed on or within a person’s body. These scanners create detailed images that allow security personnel to identify contraband without the need for physical searches. The technology used in these scanners can vary, but the most common types include millimeter wave scanners and backscatter x-ray scanners. Both types are highly effective in detecting a wide range of contraband items, including drugs, weapons, and other illicit materials.

Benefits of Using Full Body Scanners in Corrections

  • Enhanced Detection Capabilities - Contraband detection body scanners for corrections offer superior detection capabilities compared to traditional methods. They can identify both metallic and non-metallic items, making it harder for individuals to smuggle contraband into facilities. This comprehensive detection capability significantly reduces the risk of contraband entering the premises.
  • Increased Efficiency and Throughput - Manual searches and traditional screening methods can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Full body scanners streamline the process, allowing for quicker and more efficient screening of individuals. This increased efficiency helps to reduce bottlenecks and improves the overall flow of operations within correctional facilities.
  • Improved Safety for Staff and Inmates - The use of contraband detection body scanners enhances safety for both staff and inmates. By reducing the need for physical searches, the potential for confrontations and injuries is minimized. Additionally, the accurate detection of contraband reduces the risk of dangerous items being smuggled into the facility, thereby enhancing overall safety and security.
  • Non-Invasive and Respectful Screening - One of the significant advantages of full body scanners is their non-invasive nature. Unlike manual searches, which can be uncomfortable and invasive, full body scanners provide a more respectful and dignified screening process. This is particularly important in maintaining the dignity and privacy of inmates and visitors.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Privacy Concerns - Despite the benefits, the use of full body scanners in corrections does raise privacy concerns. The detailed images produced by these scanners can be seen as intrusive, and there are concerns about how these images are stored and who has access to them. It is crucial for correctional facilities to implement strict protocols to ensure the privacy and security of these images.
  • Cost and Implementation - The initial cost of purchasing and installing contraband detection body scanners can be high. Additionally, facilities need to invest in training staff to operate the scanners effectively. However, the long-term benefits in terms of improved security and efficiency often outweigh the initial investment.
  • Maintenance and Calibration - To ensure the continued effectiveness of full body scanners, regular maintenance and calibration are necessary. This includes routine checks to ensure the scanners are functioning correctly and updating software as needed. Proper maintenance is essential to avoid any lapses in security.

Future of Full Body Scanners in Corrections

The future of full body scanners in corrections looks promising. As technology continues to advance, these scanners will become even more effective and efficient. Innovations such as artificial intelligence and machine learning can further enhance the detection capabilities of these scanners, making them an indispensable tool in correctional facilities worldwide.


The integration of full body scanners for corrections represents a significant leap forward in enhancing security and preventing contraband smuggling. These advanced scanners offer superior detection capabilities, increased efficiency, improved safety, and a more respectful screening process. While there are challenges to address, the overall benefits make contraband detection body scanners a valuable asset in the corrections industry. As we move forward, continued advancements in technology will only serve to further improve the effectiveness and reliability of these essential tools in maintaining the safety and security of correctional facilities.