There are multiple types of disability aid that disabled veterans may qualify for depending on their age, their disability, and whether or not they have a service-connected disability.
Those eligible for veterans service related disability pay may also be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and/or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits as well as any Medicaid or Medicare benefits provided with them.
What Is The Role of SSI and SSDI?
Eligibility for SSI and SSDI is not related to a veteran’s service-related disability, so there is no need to prove a service connection to receive it and there is no consideration of the veteran’s discharge status.
These benefits, which are available to any disabled person, require only that the veteran fill out the appropriate application and submit the required information.
Additionally, this disability pay is not issued on a graduated scale the way veterans service related disability pay is, and disabled veterans may even apply for expedited processing for SSI/SSDI before their veterans disability pay is processed.
What Must A Veteran Prove to Receive SSI/SSDI?
To apply for and determine their eligibility for SSI/SSDI, a disabled veteran must only provide two things:
- Evidence of their physical or mental health condition that substantially limits their ability to remain gainfully employed.
- Evidence that the condition has, or is expected to last a year or more, or until death.
Expedited processing is available through the 100% Permanent and Total Veterans Initiative and the Wounded Warriors Program, both of which can speed up the process of declaring a disability and starting disability benefits payments.
Are There Any Disqualifications?
The important thing for veterans to understand is that SSI/SSDI benefits are available to them whether or not they are approved for veterans service related disability pay, but benefits are paid on an as-needed basis.
SSI/SSDI benefits amounts are dependent on the amount of other VA benefits pay being received, with the total usually reduced by that amount.
Only veterans receiving a VA pension do not qualify, since pension amounts are higher than SSI/SSDI benefit amounts.
Explore The Multiple Disability Benefits Payment Options
Disabled veterans have access to multiple benefits, including veterans service related disability pay, SSI, and SSDI.
For those who may be confused about these applications and what information must be submitted with each of them as evidence of disability severity or service connection, veterans service related disability pay help is available from knowledgeable VA disability experts.
To avoid missing out on critical benefits that every veteran is entitled to, veterans should seek disability pay assistance that can help.