INTEL Stratix-IV GX FPGA評価ボード(EP4SGX230)

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Intel(旧 Altera)のStratix IV GXシリーズ FPGA評価キットの品です。 LE(logic element)は約230Kあります。 電s源を入れるとデモ回路が動作します。

Stratix IV GX FPGA Intel (Development Board) | ArtisanTG™
Stratix IV GX FPGA Intel (Development Board) | ArtisanTG™

DK-VIDEO-4SGX230N Intel | Development Boards, Kits, Programmers | DigiKey
DK-VIDEO-4SGX230N Intel | Development Boards, Kits, Programmers | DigiKey

EP4SGX230KF40I4 of INTEL Stratix IV - FPGAkey
EP4SGX230KF40I4 of INTEL Stratix IV - FPGAkey

Terasic Products - El Camino GmbH
Terasic Products - El Camino GmbH

Sensors | Free Full-Text | A Multi-Core Object Detection Coprocessor for  Multi-Scale/Type Classification Applicable to IoT Devices
Sensors | Free Full-Text | A Multi-Core Object Detection Coprocessor for Multi-Scale/Type Classification Applicable to IoT Devices

Terasic TR4 FPGA開発キット-Stratix IV GX EP4SGX230- - Soliton Wave Shop
Terasic TR4 FPGA開発キット-Stratix IV GX EP4SGX230- - Soliton Wave Shop

Terasic - All FPGA Boards - Stratix IV - Altera DE4 Development and  Education Board
Terasic - All FPGA Boards - Stratix IV - Altera DE4 Development and Education Board

Terasic - All FPGA Boards - Stratix IV - Altera Stratix IV GX FPGA  Development Kit
Terasic - All FPGA Boards - Stratix IV - Altera Stratix IV GX FPGA Development Kit

Terasic TR4 FPGA開発キット-Stratix IV GX EP4SGX230- - Soliton Wave Shop
Terasic TR4 FPGA開発キット-Stratix IV GX EP4SGX230- - Soliton Wave Shop

EP4SGX230KF40C3 of INTEL Stratix IV - FPGAkey
EP4SGX230KF40C3 of INTEL Stratix IV - FPGAkey

Stratix® V GX FPGA Development Kit
Stratix® V GX FPGA Development Kit

Intel® Stratix® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit
Intel® Stratix® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit

BittWare 4SXM – Altera Stratix IV GX FPGA, 4x SFP, PCIe Gen2 : Zerif  Technologies Ltd.
BittWare 4SXM – Altera Stratix IV GX FPGA, 4x SFP, PCIe Gen2 : Zerif Technologies Ltd.

BittWare 520 – Intel Stratix 10 GX 280, 4x 100 GB QSFP Ethernet Ports, 10  Tflops, PCIe Gen3 x16, OpenCL, 4x DDR4 – Sky Blue Microsystems GmbH
BittWare 520 – Intel Stratix 10 GX 280, 4x 100 GB QSFP Ethernet Ports, 10 Tflops, PCIe Gen3 x16, OpenCL, 4x DDR4 – Sky Blue Microsystems GmbH

BittWare S4AM – Altera Stratix IV GX FPGA, Vita 57 FMC, AdvancedMC – Sky  Blue Microsystems GmbH
BittWare S4AM – Altera Stratix IV GX FPGA, Vita 57 FMC, AdvancedMC – Sky Blue Microsystems GmbH

残り 5 90,000円

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