Dragon ball & One Peace figuresprice":75000,"description"ゲームキャラクターdisplay_order":50,"parent_category_id":81,"parent_category_name"おもちゃ・ホビー・グッズ"},"item_condition":{"id":3,"name"送料込み(出品者負担)code"未定is_deprecated"千葉県"},"shipping_duration":{"id":2,"name"MelJon Paglinawanphoto_url":"https://static.mercdn.net/images/member_photo_noimage.pngphoto_thumbnail_url":"https://static.mercdn.net/images/member_photo_noimage_thumb.png"},"message":"The
Drago ball figures Ichiba kuji ad Oe peace best of omibus Luffy,Kid,Lawr r Luffy,Kid & Law displayed i glass cab o damager Drago ball figures some of them are have boxes ad others come with o boxes. It is displayed i glass cab. Some of them have a little bit scratch but i good coditio i will ship it with bubble wrap. A total of 30 pcs figuresr ☑️9/10 Coditio all i allr ☑️Price egotiable