その他、GX71 マーク2 GTツインターボ ハードトップ関連のパーツ類はこちらでご覧になれます。ぜひご検討下さい。>>こちら This is a Genuine W55 5MT Swap Kit removed from a GX71 Toyota Mark II GT Twin Turbo. The kit includes the transmission, clutch, flywheel, shift lever, propeller shaft, center console, brake master/booster, pedals, parking brake lever and piping. What is shown in the photos is all that is included. For other GX71 related parts, please check >>HERE
These parts were removed from a running/driving car. The car was not driven at high speeds but there were no issues when driven in the parking area. The car it was removed from was originally an AT and this kit was used to convert to MT. It is unknown if this is a W55 or W57/W58. There may be modification needed on your car or maybe on the transmission side depending on which car it is swapped into. The shift lever area on the car this was removed had the floor cut around 3-5cm. The retainer and retainer cover needed to be moved forward so this is why it was cut. Other parts seem to have been modified and at least the parking brake lever and center console are from other cars. The clutch pipes seem to have bends and were stretched to be used. There is about 7.2mm of clutch material left. There is a cut screw on the flywheel so either remove it or replace the flywheel.部品種別部品管理番号0922-H-71M-54-IS-N1 ■ 車 両 情 報車名マーク2 GTツインターボ HT型式E-GX71フレームNoGX71-638****初度登録年月昭和63年(1988年)期別後期走行距離114797km形状4HTエンジン型式1G-GTEU排気量2000cc駆動方式FRミッション区分5MTボディーカラーホワイトカラーNo040 ★★★一部を除きますが、海外発送も可能です!★★★ 海外発送をご希望の場合は、連絡掲示板または取引メッセージにてご連絡下さい。 For Overseas Postage on eligible parts, please contact us via our Bulletin Board or Settlement message (after auction is complete).
Except for certain items, we offer Worldwide Postage. We have English speaking staff so feel free to contact us with any inquiries! Tel:+81 3-3745-7220 Mail:world@winner-g.com
※※【希少】GX71 マーク2 GTツインターボ マニュアルキット W55? ミッション ぺラシャ マスター など 駆動系 チェイサー クレスタ 1G-GTE 1G※※★★送料と配送会社は下記送料表にてご確認下さい★★情 報下記車両から取り外した、マニュアルキットです。
その他、GX71 マーク2 GTツインターボ ハードトップ関連のパーツ類はこちらでご覧になれます。ぜひご検討下さい。>>こちら
This is a Genuine W55 5MT Swap Kit removed from a GX71 Toyota Mark II GT Twin Turbo. The kit includes the transmission, clutch, flywheel, shift lever, propeller shaft, center console, brake master/booster, pedals, parking brake lever and piping. What is shown in the photos is all that is included. For other GX71 related parts, please check >>HERE
状 態実動車から取り外したものです。
These parts were removed from a running/driving car. The car was not driven at high speeds but there were no issues when driven in the parking area. The car it was removed from was originally an AT and this kit was used to convert to MT. It is unknown if this is a W55 or W57/W58. There may be modification needed on your car or maybe on the transmission side depending on which car it is swapped into. The shift lever area on the car this was removed had the floor cut around 3-5cm. The retainer and retainer cover needed to be moved forward so this is why it was cut. Other parts seem to have been modified and at least the parking brake lever and center console are from other cars. The clutch pipes seem to have bends and were stretched to be used. There is about 7.2mm of clutch material left. There is a cut screw on the flywheel so either remove it or replace the flywheel.部品種別部品管理番号0922-H-71M-54-IS-N1
■ 車 両 情 報車名マーク2 GTツインターボ HT型式E-GX71フレームNoGX71-638****初度登録年月昭和63年(1988年)期別後期走行距離114797km形状4HTエンジン型式1G-GTEU排気量2000cc駆動方式FRミッション区分5MTボディーカラーホワイトカラーNo040
For Overseas Postage on eligible parts, please contact us via our Bulletin Board or Settlement message (after auction is complete).
Except for certain items, we offer Worldwide Postage.
We have English speaking staff so feel free to contact us with any inquiries!
Tel:+81 3-3745-7220
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